What are your health and safety standards?

Magic Wand adhere to strict hygiene standards for the health and safety of our clients and ourselves. What we do to help keep everyone safe:

  • Upon request, we can wear a clear face shield or face covering while painting.

  • We use a fresh brush and sponge for each child. We use one sponge per face.

  • An antibacterial solution is used to clean our hands regularly.

  • Sanitizer is also available at our table for each client to use at their discretion.

  • All of our equipment is sprayed with antibacterial solution upon arrival; including table, chairs and painting equipment.

  • Our kit is sprayed intermittently with antibacterial solution.

  • We bring fresh water and it is changed regularly throughout an event.

  • 3 Pot Brush Cleaning!

    • Pot 1 for cleaning brushes with warm water and antibacterial soap.

    • Pot 2 for rinsing brushes clean.

    • Pot 3 is Clean, fresh water to activate paints.

  • Our kit is thoroughly sanitized with an antibacterial solution between each event.

    • Sponges are washing on a 60 degree full spin cycle.

  • We will not paint a child / person who appears to have symptoms of being unwell.

    This includes, but is not limited to; coughing, sneezing, runny nose, fever, excessive itching.

  • We will not paint a child / person who displays an open cut, cold sore, eye infection, chicken pox, nits or headlice.

  • We reserve the right to refuse a child / person who does not wish to be painted.

What we need from you:

  • You / your child presents with a clean, dry face.

  • Please tie hair back away from face if possible.

  • We can not paint anyone with visible signs of illness such as a cough or runny nose. Your understanding is very much appreciated.

  • Please take 2 steps back and maintain a distance while waiting for your turn. Please do not crowd your artist / entertainer.

How do I remove face paint?

We recommend using a mild soap and warm water to remove face paint. Create a lather to loosen the paint. Using a soft face cloth; wiping towards to centre of the face, sweeping away from the skin, can help remove the paint efficiently. If you find some colour lingering, simply moisturise and wait a few minutes before washing a second time.

What if my child has sensitive skin?

It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to inform us of any skin sensitivity before your child is painted. If you are in doubt about any reaction to the products we use, we are happy to carry out a patch test. We dab a small amount of paint onto the wrist and wait 45 minutes for results. This will give better indication whether or not your child will have an allergic reaction. We advise you to use your own discretion as Magic Wand will not be held responsible for any possible reactions to the products we use.

What type of paint and products do you use?

We use professional cosmetic grade paints, glitters and powders which are made especially for use on the skin. Our paints have a water based formula and are specifically designed to be hypoallergenic. All paints and powders are EEC / FDA approved.

We do not use acrylic paints, craft paints or craft glitters as these products contain harsh chemicals that can irritate sensitive skin and eyes.

We use biodegradable cosmetic glitters.

How many faces can you paint per hour?

We paint approximately 10/12 full children's faces per hour. Each design takes on average 5 minutes to complete; this includes designs such as a Butterfly, Tiger, Superhero's and Princess's.

Can you speed paint to accommodate more children?

Yes! We can paint approximately 20/25 faces per hour using our small selection of 'Fast Faces'! Due to the intense nature of this style of painting, fast face paint must be requested specifically upon booking.

Can you paint my baby's face?

We do not recommend having the face of a child under the age of 3 painted. This is for your child's safety as they could be at a higher risk of having an allergic reaction. If the child can keep still, we can paint a small design on their arm, this is at the parents discretion.

Are you insured?

Yes, Magic Wand have Public Liability Insurance.

What do you bring?

We are self sufficient and can supply everything needed for your party or event.

We’re happy to discuss your requirements throughout the booking process. 

If you would like us to bring a table and chairs, we can do that. If you are tight on space, we can discuss setting up in a space that works best for you.

For large events, we can provide our heavy duty gazebo with signage.

How do you use my photograph?

We will only ever use photographs with the permission of parents/guardians. The images may be used for social media and in some cases, the marketing of our business. An adult will need to be present at all times and in agreement.

If you would like to withdraw consent of any images you have approved of, please email us at magicwandfacepaint@outlook.com or write to us through any of our social media channels with your request. We will remove said image(s) from our website and social media within 7 days of acknowledgment. This will be confirmed in writing to you.

Marketing materials such as business cards, flyers and signage may take some time to cease circulation; we will make every effort to ensure clients are happy, should any image(s) used be an issue for you.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!